irina bianca serban. innovation. ux. tech.
Welcome to my website! My name is Bianca and I am a PhD candidate in the department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology. My PhD is part of a consortium called Inno4Health funded by ITEA. I work in continuous monitoring in personal and physical health with the help of smart on-body sensors and self-reporting technologies. My research concerns the user-centered design of ecological momentary assessment tools for gaining contextual and situational data about the physical activity of patients. Use cases include the remote monitoring of cardiac rehabilitation patients or of prehabilitation for cancer surgery patients. I am generally interested in innovation design, UX design and research, technological and digital products.
Proior to my PhD, I have worked at MedApp as a Concept Developer - contributing to making the life of chronically ill people a little easier.
I also have a fun, artistic side! Below you can find some of the work I am proud of.
Phd candidate in the inno4health consortium

ux designer for medapp bv

Masters - Eindhoven university of technology