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phd work


Year 1

I took time to explore and investigate in depth one of the use cases - patient remote monitoring in cardiac rehabiliation. The sensors which are used in remote monitoring gather data such as ECG, acceleration, heart rate variability, body temperature. Most solutions for self-management are very tech-centric and within these systems, patients become merely a 'source of data'. I wanted to understand what other aspects that could be eventually turned into data we can track, are relevant for a cardiac patient.


Year 2

Remote monitoring of patients undergoing prehabilitation or rehabilitation to monitor their physical activity behavior calls for contextual data gathering schedule and activity labelling, motivation/reason for increased or decreased activity.

Design of ecological momentary assessment for physical activity monitoring of patients in the wild:

  •   dealing engagement and habituation of users, validity of data

  •   dealing with limited adoption and resistance from clinical researchers

  •   dealing with different modes of use: EMA technologies tailored to the individual/group of individuals (e.g. test one text based, one digital visual, one tangible)

Other emerging questions: How can we represent this data for clinicians and leverage it within their practice and how can it change the clinician-patient dynamic?

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