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Medapp nederland



In January 2020, 3 months after my master graduation I started working of MedApp Nederland, a scale-up focused on improving therapy adherence among chronically ill patients. 

MedApp started as a medication alarm app, reminding people of their intake moments, but also providing them with means to save important information about their medication like dosage, stock, their medication passport and providing them with useful data insights about their intake behavior. 

When I arrived at MedApp, the product development team has just started hiring full-time designers, me being one of the two first full-time designers in the company.

Since the company was just making the transition towards becoming also an online pharmacy with medication delivery services, I got the chance to work on the service both from the "old" perspective (MedApp V1 - reminder app) but also "new" (MedApp V2 - full platform including app-based pharmacy). 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all designs can be shown here as MedApp is going through a rebranding phase and preparing online and app platforms which are not already launched. The designs shown here are both in the old and the new style, as some concepts have originated in the old style and have subsequently been translated to the new style. If you wish to see more, feel free to contact me.  


UX designer and researcher

Using user insights from interviews and survey, metrics gathered from different analytics platforms, requirement from internal stakeholders and technical feasibility analysis, my team pinpoints functionalities that could be improved or built. My responsibility is to gather these insights, make overviews, discuss them with internal stakeholders and iterate on existing designs or create new ones to improve the user experience. Within the V1 app, I mainly maintained the conversion triggers (from user to pharmacy customer), the pharmacy online registration form and the pharmacy landing pages. 

For the V2 application, I have been the main UX designer. When creating new concepts, I am involved in the whole design process from initial stages to final mockups for the developers and implementing UI. I conduct stakeholders interviews, co-creation sessions with the product development team and the pharmacy team, competitive audits and benchmarking, user stories and service blueprints for preparation. In the conceptualization phase, I am in charge of creating wireframes and screenflows on which I iterate by implementing feedback from internal stakeholders and external ones (mainly MedApp testers from our userbase). The results are translated into final mockups (Adobe XD and at a later stage Figma) and tickets for developers (Jira). I was also involved in implementing UI for the registration form (HTML5), B2C pharmacy website and official MedApp website (Wordpress with Elementor) and am currently busy with improving the the MedApp V2 app (Flutter).

Being heavily involved in communication between the product dev team and the developers, I also designed acceptance text scenarios and translated the results into tickets for iterations. I was in charge of redesigning V1 into V2 which includes medication alarms, registration for the pharmacy, keeping track of orders and one's medication, and insights into one's medication usage behavior. I also designed an internal system used by our pharmacy team to synchronize and orchestrate the backend information about pharmacy customers and orders. Currently, I am the main designer in charge of the rebranding and further feature development of MedApp V2. 

Some projects I have worked on

MedApp has been on a journey of transformation since January 2020 - from a medical passport, to an intelligent online pharmacy which educates and guides the user to handle medicine in the best way possible. 

The preparation for the V2 app started in May 2020. Together with our intern, I worked on initial wireframes, then final mockups for the app development team. Iterations were made with the help of input from our testers, street user testing and internal stakeholders. The development capacity was limited, therefore, I also needed to perform a feasibility analysis in terms of material design UI components and bring the best of both worlds in the prototypes. 

Among the more important screens, I designed the medication overview, the set up medicine usage view, the news and updates page, the order overview page, the intake schedule overview and the profile. Big challenges were posed by accommodating different types of intake schedules for different treatments while conveying them in a simple, accessible UI and making medical information understandable and friendly for any user, while easily showing them how they can influence it themselves within the app (e.g. the stock of their medication and their therapy adherence insights). Another challenge was finding the middle ground between what data we can offer our users and what they find useful and helpful in their everyday interaction with our app (e.g. the medicine card which contains a big deal of information about one's medication). 

While designing the profile and account creation, a complex database had to be kept in mind and close communication with out data scientists needed to be maintained for clear requirements. 

See below mockups for setting up for medication overview, setting medicine usage and schema, profile and create account. Below, screenflows sent to the developers for tagging users for research groups and accunt creation - press for more info. 

medapp v2

apotheek paneel

Even though MedApp is a pharmacy within an app, pharmacy personnel helps customers in real time. For example, our customer success department guides the user in their medicine usage and their pharmacy orders through the app. They do this through a dashboard called Apotheek Paneel.

This platform has been designed in collaboration with our intern. A strong requirement was for it to match all our backend system structure and and the data structure behind our app. One challenge for this system was synthesizing a fairly big amount of medical and administrative data into a user friendly UI and designing the right interactions for it.


See pictures below of mockups.

Disclaimer: the text is not completely visible because this is an internal system and it needs to remain confidential. The system is still in the V1 style.




While the apotheek side of the company was presented to our V1 users, we needed a way to let potential patients who were not our users yet about our pharmacy service. 

I was in charge of creating the website for the MedApp Apotheek service from scratch (concept to Wordpress+Elementor implementation). A big focus was educating people about how the health system works in terms of transferring to our pharmacy - e.g. performing the "LSP escalatie" (Landelijk Schakelpunt escalatie), or our FDA approved measures of gathering personal data which we need for their registration. 

See below pictures of initial wireframes and end result. The website was still in the V1 style.

medapp v2


While the whole application was going through a rebranding phase, the official MedApp B.V. website also needed a 
"new face". I was given sketches from the marketing team and asked to make a "commercial website which also appeals to the human side of our future users ad customers.". A goal was to also use the new styleguide and create a design system for the web products of MedApp. I had to go through multiple iterations to include feedback from our marketing specialist, the designers and our internal client.

See below snippets of the outcome. 

© 2022 by Irina Bianca Serban

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