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"EDEN" was created during the course "Golden Ratio and Generative Data" during my first year of Masters in Industrial Design. 


Eden is a modern day interpretation of a renaissance painting theme, the Garden of Eden. The work points at subtle questions. Why are every Adam and Eve represented as white in the renaissance paintings? Were the first people God ever created white or black? Why should Adam and Eve have a belly button, if they were the first people to have lived? The intention with respect to the artwork, its circularity and symmetry was to subtly hint at the loopholes and imperfection of creationist theory.

Behind the design of Eden stands the Heesch Kienzle theory about tessellation. Two types of tessellations have been used and combined: C3C3C6C6 and CC3C3. The tessellations have been programmed in Processing with the Oogway library. The patterns have been cut into MDF with a laser cutter. The final result has been obtained by painting and gluing the pieces by hand and framing everything together. 


Eden was awarded an outstanding grade of 9 and was displayed at the mathematical art exhibition for the 2018 Bridges Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The whole gallery of the conference can be viewed here


Professor Loe Feijs giving Eden as an example to other students in the following editions of the course "Golden Ratio and Generative Data"

Eden was an individual project which focused mostly on learning how to use mathematics and put it into beautiful craftsmanship. 



programming geometrical shapes with the help of mathematical formulas in Java (Processing), understanding and using the Oogway library in generating repetitive patterns

understanding notions from number theory, linear algebra, 2D and 3D geometry and how it is found in art and nature

designing the right shape that could fit the tessellation algorithm in Illustrator, turning the automatic tessellation into a blueprint, laser cutting the pieces, assembling and painting the artwork

mathematical, data-related & computing

Part of the course was learning in detail about number theory, linear algebra and geometry. This information was not new to me, however, it was a good reminder of what I had studied in my Bachelor. A big difference was that what I wrote on paper I also needed to translate into code in order to make "pretty" visual representations of those formulas, something which I have never done before. 

In the execution of Eden, I had to understand the Heesch Kienzle theory on tessellation patterns and learn how to use it with the help of the Oogway library in Processing. This was really exciting to me because I have always wanted to use mathematics to create art. A more interesting thing of "Eden" is the fact that I discovered that two of the tessellations could seamlessly be combined if one of them was flipped over. I have always had a passion for geometry since middle school and visualizing shapes has always been easy to me. This was done with the help of Processing, but also Illustrator: once the patterns have been generated with the help of the library, I transferred them into Illustrator and combined them to make sure they match perfectly. 

I also made two shapes for one single tessellation (Adam and Eve) and tweaked the basic algorithm to have alternating rows of the two shapes. By matching the segments where the two shapes met in the tessellation, I managed to include both in the same pattern. 


Eden was a very straight-forward project which allowed me to apply calculus into art, two of my hobbies coming together. If you wish to read more about the mathematics behind the artwork and the design process, please check this document:


photo gallery

Eves (C3C3C6C6 tessellation)
Adams (C3C3C6C6 tessellation)
Leaves (CC3C3 tessellation)
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